How to Get Rid of Clogged Drains

Cleaning your home drains is important to keep them functioning well. If clogs aren’t addressed quickly, they can damage your plumbing and sewage lines.

Many homeowners use DIY methods to clean their drains. While these methods may help with minor clogs and odor issues. Drain cleaning addresses more complicated problems to ensure the integrity of your plumbing systems.

All those tiny hairs from shaving, food particles, and soap scum that rinse down the drain can clump together to form a thick blockage. Salt is a natural scouring agent that can loosen this buildup from inside the pipes. Pour a cup of table salt down the clogged drain and then flush it with hot water. This method is particularly effective on grease clogs.

drain cleaning

When you’re using salt, always be sure to use the plain kind that contains sodium chloride, or NaCl, not Epsom salt, which is magnesium sulfate and has different properties. This type of salt is used for taking relaxing baths and improving the flavor of some foods, but it’s also helpful for drain cleaning.

If you have a stubborn clog, try mixing a few other household products to create a homemade drain cleaner that works as well or better than store-bought chemical solutions. Mix baking soda with table salt to create an abrasive that can break down gunk and hair that’s stuck in the drain. If there’s a stopper in the drain, remove it and then slowly pour the mixture down, coating it as much as possible. Let it sit for about 30 minutes or longer for especially stubborn clogs.

Next, pour a cup of boiling hot water down the drain to rinse away any remaining clog-fighting solution and the sludge that it loosened. Repeat if necessary. Be careful not to overuse this method, as the high temperatures of boiling water can melt or damage some types of plastic pipes.

No plumbing problem is as frustrating (and inconvenient) as a clogged toilet or drain. Thankfully, a plunger is one of the easiest tools to use for clearing blockages without expensive chemical drain cleaners. A plunger, also known as a force cup or plumber’s friend, consists of a rubber suction cup attached to a stick usually made of wood or plastic. When pushed down over a clogged drain, it creates an air seal that increases pressure and forces water and clog material downward. When pulled back up, it creates a vacuum that pulls water and clog material upwards.

Before using a plunger, make sure that it is clean and in good condition. This will help it to create a strong, reliable suction that won’t break when you apply pressure. You can clean a plunger by running it through hot water or by cleaning it with bleach. It is best to keep a spare plunger for emergencies and to store it somewhere clean and dry.

To use a plunger, first remove any plugs or covers from the drain. Next, put the handle of the plunger over the drain and make sure that it is covered with at least halfway up the rubber part. Make sure the handle is firmly in contact with the drain and then push down firmly while at the same time pulling up sharply. Repeat this process several times.

Baking soda, also known as bicarbonate of soda or sodium bicarbonate, is a versatile and cheap kitchen staple with plenty of household uses. It’s an alkaline substance that neutralizes acids, including vinegar. When poured into a drain with vinegar, it creates a fizzing reaction that can sometimes break up and dislodge stubborn clogs.

Pour a pot of boiling water down the drain first to soften any greasy, oily buildup. Then, sprinkle down a cup of baking soda. If you have a wet sink, you might need to use your hands or a stopper to push the baking soda down. Let it sit and react for an hour, then pour a pot of boiling water down the drain to flush the pipes.

The baking soda and vinegar solution is a simple DIY drain cleaner that can help clear minor clogs without damaging your pipes or plumbing fixtures. However, this method isn’t usually strong enough to break down or remove serious clogs.

For best results, combine 1/2 cup baking soda and 1 cup of vinegar in a container with a seal before pouring it down the drain. Add 2 tablespoons of cream of tartar to the mixture and shake the jar well to mix everything together. This will keep the mixture from rapidly expanding, which can clog your drains even more. Then, pour down the drain and follow with a pot of boiling water.

Vinegar is a household staple used for cooking, cleaning and as a medicine. Its acid content makes it a good choice for breaking down organic buildup that clogs drains. It also works well as a natural alternative to chemical drain cleaners. The main ingredient in many store-bought drain cleaners is sodium hydroxide, which can burn eyes, skin and lungs. Regular use of homemade vinegar drain cleaners can help prevent clogs and keep pipes clean.

A mixture of baking soda and vinegar can be very effective at unclogging a drain. The reaction between the two ingredients produces a foamy, bubbling solution that often dislodges stuck-on gunk in your drain. For a trickier clog, you can mix the solution with Borax or cream of tartar. Both of these are forms of sodium and work similarly with the baking soda to create a chemical reaction that melts fats and other gunk.

Pour a cup of baking soda down your drain, then pour in one cup of vinegar. The fizzing will be strong, and may even produce a little white foam. After the reaction stops, dump in two cups of boiling water. This solution will break down the grease, fatty deposits and soap scum that are clogging your drain. If this doesn’t clear your clogged drain, try plunging the pipe with a small sink-size plunger.

Dish soap is one of the most commonly used household products, but it can also be a powerful drain cleaner. It contains natural surfactants that help to lower water’s surface tension and cause it to grab onto dirt, grease, and other debris. In addition, dish soap is biodegradable and non-toxic, making it a safe alternative to chemical drain cleaners. These cleaners can corrode pipes and may even pose a safety risk for children and pets.

To use dish soap for drain cleaning, you’ll need a kettle of boiling water and a bottle of liquid detergent. Squirt a cup of the liquid soap down the drain and let it sit for a few minutes. Then, pour a gallon of boiling water down the drain. This will help to loosen any stuck-on grease and restore your drain’s function.

You can repeat this process as many times as necessary to completely remove a drain clog. However, if the clog is caused by a blocked main pipe or sewer line, you’ll need to try another method.

Before using this method, make sure the clog is not due to a buildup of hair, food scraps, or lint. Also, make sure that your drain is not leaking or emitting a foul smell. If it is, then you’ll need to remove the clog using a plunger or other mechanical methods. Additionally, you should not use this method if you’ve recently used a chemical drain cleaner.

A clothes hanger is a simple, but effective tool that can be used to clear out a drain. The idea is to use a wire coat hanger as a snake or plunger, which will hook on and pull out the gunk that is causing a blockage.

Using a pair of needle-nose pliers, straighten out the wire hanger and bend one end into a small hook or handle. Stick the hook end of the clothes hanger down the drain hole as far as it will go, and start fishing. Keep jiggling the hanger to lift, or fish out, any hair, dirt, and other debris. Be careful not to push the material further down the drain, which can cause a bigger clog. Once you’ve pulled out as much as possible, rinse the drain with hot water and remove the clothes hanger.

If the drain is still clogged, try using a pipe snake or a commercial drain cleaner. If the clog is too big for a simple wire hanger, spray a strong jet of hot water down the drain. This can usually break down a larger clog and get things moving again. Be sure to use a rag to protect the porcelain, and have a bucket or bin nearby to catch the accumulated debris. Clothes hangers are also recyclable, so if you have extras, they can be dropped off at your local recycling facility.
